"Girls Only" is a supportive program for young women designed to help them navigate challenges such as body image, creative expression, and bullying. Created by women, it focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles, physical activity, positive relationships, and self-confidence.
Girls Only provides a safe, interactive space for young women to connect with female mentors who model healthy life choices. The program fosters growth, mindfulness, and positive interactions, equipping participants with the knowledge to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Program Details:
- Safe Environment: Offer a welcoming space where young women can express themselves and connect with role models.
- Growth Opportunities: Provide workshops, and creative activities to build confidence and skills.
- Mindfulness: Implement daily practices to enhance emotional well-being.
- Community Connection: Organize outdoor activities and service projects to foster a connection with nature and the community.
Girls Only is a community-focused program that empowers young women to thrive by providing a supportive environment and enriching experiences. Through mindfulness, positivity, and community engagement, the program aims to help participants lead healthier, more confident lives.