Miss the deadline? Don't worry, we're still accepting registrations!
Please contact us at (204) 885-2444
or for more information.
Oak Bluff,
Winter 2024
In-Service Day Camp!
In-Service Day - April 12
Providing In-Service Day Camp for children in grades K to 6. This Day Camp will be filled with games, crafts and adventure!
Planned Activities: start at 9:00 am and end at 4:00 pm.
Participants must bring a lunch, snacks, water bottle, outdoor gear and spare clothes due to warming and wet outdoor conditions.
- Drop Off: 8:00 am- 9:00 am
- Pick Up: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Parental Consent Form and Release of Liability Form to our office before program day, or bring with you to program and hand into the facilitator.
Child must be independent in the bathroom.
PLEASE NOTE: To register for other In-Service Day Camps please register for each day individually.
Space is limited.

What Do I Need To Bring?
When Is It?
How Do I Get In?
Please contact us at (204) 885-2444 or for more information.
How Much Does it Cost?
- $36.00 $30.00
We Need Your Autograph
Never Miss a Class!
Add In-Service Day Camp! to your calendar in Google, Outlook, ThunderBird or other iCal-compatible calendar program with reminders or without
If these links don't work or you're using a calendar program not compatible with these links, use one of the following addresses to subscribe to In-Service Day Camp!:
with reminders: http://www.mhrd.ca/feed/program/3238/iCal/alarms
without reminders: http://www.mhrd.ca/feed/program/3238/iCal