Miss the deadline? Don't worry, we're still accepting registrations!
Please contact us at (204) 885-2444
or for more information.
Summer 2024
Fun Days: Tie Dye in Starbuck (ages 5-12)
Wednesday Morning - July 24
Join us on July 24th in Starbuck for a morning of OUTDOOR fun - Tie dye!
Bring a snack, water bottle and sunhat! We recommend bringing/wearing old clothes for tie dye and running shoes for outdoor games afterwards!
We will be providing T-shirts to tie dye! Please email with your child's T-shirt size.
Tie dyed items will be brought home after the program with instructions on how to wash and set the colour.
This program is rain or shine, with indoor facility access incase of thunder/lightning or heavy rain.
Heads up! We're running a DIY Hat/Tote Bag Craft Program on Wednesday, August 28 in Starbuck! Go check it out!
**PLEASE NOTE: This program will be held in the field beside the play structure between the Starbuck School and Starbuck Arena.

What Do I Need To Bring?
When Is It?
How Do I Get In?
Please contact us at (204) 885-2444 or for more information.
How Much Does it Cost?
- $6.00 $5.00
Never Miss a Class!
Add Fun Days: Tie Dye in Starbuck (ages 5-12) to your calendar in Google, Outlook, ThunderBird or other iCal-compatible calendar program with reminders or without
If these links don't work or you're using a calendar program not compatible with these links, use one of the following addresses to subscribe to Fun Days: Tie Dye in Starbuck (ages 5-12):
with reminders: http://www.mhrd.ca/feed/program/3392/iCal/alarms
without reminders: http://www.mhrd.ca/feed/program/3392/iCal